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《吉人天相/A Blessed Life》分集剧情介绍第1-8全集大结局

查看:872 / 更新:2022-02-10 18:34

Time and again, Daji extends a helping hand to A-wen, a homeless man who often sits at the street corner. It turns out that A-wen killed his wife and daughter because of drink driving. His son and family refuse to acknowledge him out of intense hatred. Under Daji’s mediation and persuasion, A-wen finally pulls himself together, starts life anew and manages to gain his son’s forgiveness.

One day, Daji sees Youguo behaving intimately with a girl named Jenny. Initially, Daji thought that Youguo was dating a young girl, but finds out later that she is his daughter. The truth is, Youguo does not want Jenny, who has settled down in the US, to worry about him, so he pretends to lead a hectic and exciting life. Unfortunately for him, Jenny sees through his act in the end.

Daji finds out that Youguo owns a house and chides him for lying that he is homeless. Only then does Youguo confess that he had deliberately planned to have Daji knocked him down.

Youguo reveals that he has been living alone ever since his wife passed away. He admits that an impoverished life does not frighten him as much as loneliness. His greatest fear is to be found dead and rotting at home, which is why he orchestrated the “accident” in order to move in with Daji. This way, he has someone to talk to and will not die in solitude. Daji is moved upon hearing it. He advises Jenny to be nice to Youguo, adding that keeping one’s aged parents company is the best present one can give to them.

One day, Youguo saves an elderly man on the road. On closer look, he realises that it is Huang Jinshan, his former bandmate and an old friend.

Jinshan discloses that he is suffering from a terminal illness. With only a few months to live, his winter years are bleak. The two of them reminisce about the good old days of the band they formed back then, “The Jolly Good Fellows”. The thought of the late A-qi, how the band members have gone their separate ways and having regrets about never meeting again in their dying years make both of them lament that life is short.

Therefore, Youguo and Jinshan decide to make a comeback while they are still alive, by tracking their old bandmates down to form the band again! Their enthusiasm rubs off on Daji who also finds out that his father was a band member too. He makes up his mind to join the duo and assist Youguo in forming a band.