欧派看图网>娱乐八卦>影视 > 《揭秘/Disclosed》分集剧情简介第1-20全集大结局


查看:694 / 更新:2022-02-10 12:31

  邝芸君 / 女 (汤灵伊饰)


  Kuang Yun Jun / Female (Tang Lingyi)

  Yun Xiang’s sister. A curious magazine reporter who scoops around for truths. When she first discovered her father’s secret, she thinks he is womanizing outside. She gets involved in a social fraud, nearly getting herself buried alive. Luckily, she gets rescued by Wen Chang Yu and her sister.

  邝思远 / 男 (包勋评饰)


  Kuang Si Yuan / Male (Shane Pow)

  Yun Xiang’s brother. Ambitious and determined to strike it rich as an entrepreneur. A change in personality is observed after he was being attacked verbally online when linked to a murder case. He almost went into depression during that period.

  郭子建 / 男 (苏智诚饰)

  私家侦探, 聪明机智,曾患上赌瘾,欠下巨债,后来得到昌渝的帮忙,还清了债务,从此对昌渝言听计从,帮他解决工作上遇到的问题。

  Guo Zi Jian / Male (Cavin Soh)

  A private detective. Clever and was once a gambling addict. Wen Chang Yu helped him clear his debts and since that, he helps Chang Yu out at work to express his gratitude.

  黄石 / 男 (翁于腾饰)


  Huang Shi / Male (Eden Ang)

  An online hacker and a responsible assistant of Wen Chang Yu. He also likes Kuang Yun Jun. He loves to read comics and would often daydream, playing a superhero.




  Yun Xiang’s best friend, Wen Yan, turns pale upon receiving a text message on her wedding day. Halfway through the solemnization, she dashes out of the chapel and gets killed by a car. After her death, there is a rumour on the Internet that Wen Yan is scandalously involved with her University Professor Huang Ting Zhong. To seek justice for her best friend, Yun Xiang turns to Public Relations Specialist, Wen Chang Yu, for help.