欧派看图网>娱乐八卦>影视 > 《揭秘/Disclosed》分集剧情简介第1-20全集大结局


查看:694 / 更新:2022-02-10 12:31



  Daniel, who works in the media industry, lost his handphone. He is willing to pay Chang Yu big bucks to recover it. His motive is to seal the fact that he is using celebrities for a prostitution business. If this information is leaked, it will affect many wealthy businessmen. Chang Yu deliberately quoted a sky high price to push him away.



  An anonymous seller auctions information on the potential celebrity involved in prostitution. Public speculates that it is likely to be the demure Maggie. Maggie confesses to Chang Yu that she came into contact with prostitution when she first entered showbiz but withdrew after her career stabilized. She never thought that Daniel will lose his handphone so she is worried her secret will now be exposed.



  Le Tian investigates further on the prostitution case and realizes that many victims engage Chang Yu’s expertise to resolve the case. Coincidentally, he discovers that Yun Xiang works for Chang Yu. He tells Yun Xiang that Chang Yu’s company may operate as a Public Relations business but in actual fact, it only helps wealthy people to clear their mess. He tells Yun Xiang to stay away from Chang Yu and this upsets Yun Xiang.



  The anonymous seller will only stop the auction if Maggie remits a sum of money into his account. To protect her secret, Maggie relents. To her surprise, the auction continues and the seller criticizes her to be a despicable and shameful woman. Maggie is overwhelmed and decides to commit suicide!